It is often said that men are from the planet Mars, and women are from planet Venus. Why are these genders so different from each other that they had to be from different planets? Here are some facts which clearly explain this ‘why.’
- Men have larger brains than women. A man’s brain is approximately 10% larger than that of a woman. Because of their larger stature and more body mass, men’s brains require more neurons to control the body, hence the larger size.
- Puberty is a time of immense changes for both girls and boys. These changes include voice and tonal changes. The male voice changes dramatically during puberty, sometimes changing a whole octave. Scientists have reasoned the phenomenon of evolution for this change; women find deeper voices more attractive.
- Talking about puberty, boys are more likely to go later into puberty than girls in the same age group. Boys reach puberty at the age of 12-14 years, when their voice changes, they go through growth spurts and develop secondary sex characteristics.

alexstrachan/Pixabay. Many cultures around the world celebrate boys becoming adult men.
- In many cultures and religions around the world, boys go through rites of passage to become adult men. The most popular of these include the Bar Mitzvah among Jews, circumcision in some African cultures, and a ‘vision quest’ in Indo-American societies.
- Circumcision rates at the time of birth have significantly dropped all over the world. In the U.S. alone, 56% of the boys are circumcised at birth, a figure that has declined by 20% since the 1950s. It is estimated that around 1/3rd of all men have been circumcised around the globe.
- The term ‘Adam’s Apple’ is derived from the Biblical story of Adam when he ate the forbidden fruit in Eden. The Adam’s apple is a laryngeal growth in the neck, and is a unique feature of puberty in boys.

PublocDomainPictures/Pixabay. Baby boys are more likely to die during childbirth than baby girls
- Baby boys are 25% more likely to die during childbirth and infancy than baby girls.
- The average life expectancy of men worldwide is four years less than women, at 64 years.
- Men are 35% more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than women who are diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Suicide rates are higher among men than women worldwide. Some countries such as Russia and Brazil have very high suicide rates among men, approximately six times higher than women.

StockSnap/Pixabay. The word ‘father; is a term derived from Old English
- The word ‘father’ is derived from the Old English term faeder, and was first used in the 1500s.