Ever wondered why sloths are the chillest creatures on Earth? These slow-moving tree dwellers have a lifestyle that is as fascinating as it is unique. With their laid-back vibes and surprising habits, they capture hearts everywhere. Here are some incredible facts about sloths that you probably didn’t know!
Why Sloths Are So Sluggish and Slow?
The most iconic thing about sloths is their incredible slowness. But why are they so sluggish? It is all about survival. Sloths move slowly to conserve energy since their diet is mostly made up of low-nutrient leaves.
This unique energy-saving strategy helps them survive in environments where food can be hard to digest.

Carl / Pexels / Predators like jaguars or eagles rely on movement to spot prey. Sloths are so slow they often blend seamlessly with their surroundings, even growing algae on their fur for extra camouflage.
Now, that is what you call stealth mode!
Facts About Sloths and Their Unusual Diet
Sloths have a famously strange diet that is mostly made up of leaves. You might think, "What is so weird about eating leaves?" Well, these are not just any leaves. They are tough, fibrous, and packed with toxins.
Sloths have super-slow metabolisms, which allow their stomachs to break down these challenging meals over several days. A sloth can take a whole week to digest just one meal! Imagine having a single salad last you seven days.
Facts About Sloths and Their Tree-Hugging Lifestyle
Sloths spend almost their entire lives hanging upside down in trees. It is not just a quirky habit though. It is a survival tactic. Living high up keeps them safe from ground predators. Their curved claws, which can grow up to four inches long, act like built-in hooks, making it easy for them to cling to branches for hours.
Their upside-down lifestyle even affects their anatomy. Did you know their internal organs are arranged to accommodate this position? Their hearts and stomachs are positioned differently than most mammals to make hanging around more comfortable.
No wonder they are the ultimate tree-dwelling pros!
How Many Types of Sloths Are There?
When it comes to sloth species, there are two main types: two-toed and three-toed sloths. While they look pretty similar, they have some key differences. Two-toed sloths are slightly larger, with a more varied diet that includes fruit and even insects.
Three-toed sloths, on the other hand, stick to their leafy greens.
However, what is even cooler is their evolutionary history. Sloths are distant relatives of giant ground sloths that once roamed the Earth during the Ice Age. These ancient creatures were as big as elephants and roamed the land instead of chilling in trees.
Sloths Have Weird Bathroom Habits
This might sound strange, but sloths only poop about once a week! When nature calls, they climb down from their trees, dig a small hole, and do their business. This is one of the riskiest moments in a sloth’s life since being on the ground makes them vulnerable to predators.

Tom / Pexels / Did you know? Sloths climb down from their trees and dig a small hole to poop!
Scientists are still puzzled about why they take such a big risk just to poop. Some theories suggest it is a way to fertilize the trees they live in, ensuring a steady supply of tasty leaves.
Why Do Sloths Smile All the Time?
Sloths have a natural ‘smile’ thanks to the shape of their mouths. They look like they are grinning all the time, even when they are scared or stressed. It is just one more thing that makes them irresistibly adorable.
Their relaxed expressions match their personalities, though. Sloths are incredibly chill animals, spending most of their time sleeping, eating, or just hanging out.