For a reader, inspiring and powerful books can open their minds to a myriad of worlds, both relatable and new. The diverse and vast LGBTQIA+ literary universe speaks of the history, struggle, and the feeling of hope with regards to the LGBTQIA+ movement wherein queer and gender non-conforming authors have put pen to paper to share their own moving life experiences. The following list of books from LGBTQIA+ and gay authors is as diverse...
new articles in wonderful world
The twelve astrological signs are grouped together according to their characteristics into four elements: earth, fire, water, and air. The fire signs are made up of the Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo star signs. Known for their passion and dynamic personalities, the fire signs cannot be easily ignored. Just like a fire is kindled to provide warmth but can turn deadly if ignored, the fire signs are volatile and destructive if taken lightly. Here are...
Psychology is a relatively new branch of science where a person’s mental and brain health, personality traits, behaviors, and attitudes are studied. It is an increasingly important field of study with implications for people’s health and societies at large. Here are some fascinating facts about psychology: It is a myth that subliminal messages have any effect on people’s brains and their decision-making power. Still, big brands and companies employ subliminal messages in their advertisements...
Traveling is a lesson in itself, and while most of us don't travel for learning, but for leisure only, it surely teaches us a thing or two about life. Here are some tips to ensure your trip doesn't end up becoming a life lesson for you: Always plan ahead: No matter how well you have planned your trip, things that can go wrong will go wrong. It is best to prepare for the worst...
All beds are magical – they have this inviting charm that can pull us up back to Snoozeland anytime it wants to but you know what wakes us up from that zombie mode? Coffee. Even the sweet, sweet aroma of it is enough to get us up and ready for the rest of the day. You don’t need to be a genius to know that a cup of joe wakes us up and gives...